Absence Really Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder

By Kat Harvey

Every couple’s worst nightmare is being apart. The worst is when it’s going to be longer than just a week or so. I’ve been in this very situation. My then new boyfriend and I were facing the brutal truth that I was leaving home in September for school and would not be returning home until December. That thought was agony for either one of us. We are still going strong and there were several things that went on in order for that relationship to last to what it is today.

The Texting Age

It sounds so incredibly simple but it works! It’s always in the little things you say to each other to make each other smile. We live in a world now where being able to talk to someone is merely a text away. Some examples of little things you can say are:

·         “I was just thinking about you and wanted to say hi”

·         “I miss you like…(you can insert virtually any simile here. Be creative with it! The more creative the more memorable it will be and more likely that it will make the other person smile).”

·         Send them a “Good Morning!” or “Good Night!” text. It makes all the difference, trust me.

·         Be creative! Originality is key here but also remember that just hearing from you at all will do the trick.
Just to See You Smile

Video chat seems to be the “new thing” to do when you’re far apart and coming from someone who was originally against it, I can tell you that it actually helps. Being able to physically see the person makes it more real than just over the phone (which works, too, but we’ll touch on that in a little bit). One of the more fun things I recommend is to plan “Skype Dates.” It sounds silly but it’s really fun! You can either plan a time just to chat with them or Skype has a new feature that allows you to “share” screens with the other person which makes it possible for you to watch a movie together. A great substitute for a movie date! Girls; don’t hesitate to get yourself all cute for it like you normally would. The guy will love it, believe me.
Can You Hear Me Now?

Phone calls, phone calls, phone calls! This is probably the most efficient way to make it work. When I was at school I would be walking to and from class and I would just call him up to say “hi.” Depending on you and your significant other, you may or may not want to have daily phone calls; it just depends on your preferences as a couple. For me those daily phone calls were the one thing I had to look forward to every night. It’s always nice to go to sleep after having their voice be the last thing you hear that night.

 All the Small Things

Okay men, this is where you come in. For all of you women that lean towards the mindset of a feminist, I apologize because the man really should be doing some of the work here. For example, taking notice of things she says she wants and actually getting it for her, whether she intended to get it for herself or not. My boyfriend sent me a keychain with our picture as well as a collage of photos of us for my room, both of which I said I wanted but never intended for him to go out and get. Men: always be listening and pay attention to what women want. To the ladies on this one, we have to be more sneaky. Send them the smallest surprise and it will make them the happiest man alive. For example, I sent my boyfriend a package with a card that expressed how much I missed him and stuffed some of his favorite candy in the package but I didn’t tell him about it!

 The main thing to remember about long distance relationships is that there will be ups and downs. Nothing is ever perfect. Be there for each other as much as you can and listen to one another and you’ll be just fine!