Save Your Budget and Learn to Swap!

By Stephanie Siegman

If you’re wallet is hurting these days but you’re just not ready to give up your favorite things for the sake of your budget, try these simple swaps that will not only save money but might even help your friends too!

Swap Redbox Rentals for Library Rentals
Many people don’t realize that libraries get the latest books AND movies, yes that means movies like Iron Man or TV shows like LOST can be reserved and checked out for FREE at your local library.

Swap the Gym for the Exercise Group
Gym memberships can cost anywhere from $20-$100 per month and sometimes it doesn’t get used! Set up an exercise group with some motivated friends, not only will they keep you accountable for showing up but will also save you some money!

Swap the Teenage Baby-sitter for the Baby-sitting Swaps
If you cringe every time you have to fork out $40 bucks for a Friday night baby-sitter, consider setting up a baby-sitting swap group with your friends or co-workers who have kids and take turns every week baby-sitting. If there are 4 couples in your group then you only have to baby-sit once per month. Saving $40 per weekend will save $120 per month!

Swap the Mall for Goodwill
When buying gifts or clothing, check out the local Goodwill or other second hand stores. A lot of the items are in good condition, name brand, and half the price! Find out what day of the week they restock the shelves so you can get the first picks! Nothing’s better than finding a rare toy for a birthday party for only $1 that would have cost $30.

Swap the Hair Salons for the Beauty Schools
Let’s face it, for women to get a simple hair color and cut can cost a small fortune, especially after the tip! Swap out the pricey salon for the beauty school, they are looking for some experience and charge a fraction of the price. Just make sure to request a stylist who is about to graduate or ask around for who has the most experience. Paying $5 for a haircut instead of $35 will add up really quickly!